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Meizhou Ruiputuo Technology Co.,Ltd

We mainly provide PCB and PCB assembly services

visit us at Electronica 2022

We look forward to welcoming you again in person.  Meizhou Ruiputuo Technology Co.,Ltd waiting for you here  Come and visit us at Electronica 2022.     The fair will take place between 15 – 18 November in Munich.

Due to the pandemic,. Long time no see, friends , We would like to invite you to our booth at Electronica, to discuss either our ongoing business or new potential future business.

Since the beginning of the Pandemic, we worked a lot to increase our PCB capacity, PCB quality, and PCB technology.     We are very excited to share all this new PCB information with you in Munich.

PREVIOUS:AI server demand has not changed in the short term

NEXT:Cadence launched Allegra X AI, which aims to accelerate the PCB design process, which can shorten the turnover time by more than 10 times

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