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pcb layout points

                                                                                             pcb layout points

                                     PCB cloth board points

Point a capacitor layout:

     In the PCB layout, capacitance parallel can improve the noise tolerance and anti -interference capacity of the system. When the capacitor is connected in parallel, the equivalent capacitor value of the capacitor is equal to their sum. Therefore, when you connect two capacitors, their total capacity will be larger than that of any of them alone.

In the circuit, the capacitance parallel can also reduce the equivalent series resistance and increase the bandwidth and response speed of the signal. When there are multiple capacitors in the circuit, they may interact. When parallel capacitors, the voltage between the capacitors will be distributed between them, thereby distributed the voltage average. This distribution helps reduce the interaction between capacitors.

When designing PCB, pay attention to the characteristics of different types of capacitors to ensure that they can match each other and work as expected. For example, in high -frequency applications, high -frequency capacitors should be used to ensure that they have the correct response within the high frequency range.

     In addition, the layout and location of the capacitor must be considered. Place the capacitor in places far away from other components to avoid interference and noise problems between capacitors. At the same time, the pins of the capacitor should be as short as possible to reduce the impact of the internal resistance and inductance of the capacitor.

Key points for two inductors:

    In the PCB layout, the location and layout of the inductance are also very important. The following are several key points:

Avoid ring circuits: In the layout, the formation of the ring needs to be avoided, which will cause inductance to capture the interference signal. Therefore, the length of the signal path should be reduced as much as possible, and the cross and entanglement of the path should be avoided.

Differential ground plane: For high -frequency circuits, the layout of the separation of the ground should be used, and the ground plane is divided into different areas to isolate different signals and power supply. This can reduce interference and cross -coupling between signals.


Make sure the directionability of the inductance: inductance is usually directional, that is, they only respond well to the signal in one direction. Therefore, you should pay attention to placing the inductance in the right direction to ensure that they can work correctly.

Far enough to other components: The inductance should stay away from other components in the layout to avoid mutual interference and noise problems. The pin of inductance should also be as short as possible.

Select the right inductance: When selecting the inductance, you need to consider its characteristics, such as electrical value, frequency response, and so on. For high -frequency circuits, you need to choose an inductor with high frequency response and low loss.

In summary, the location and layout of the inductance in the PCB layout are very important. It is necessary to pay attention to the directionability of the inductance, far from other components, and choose the appropriate inductance to ensure the normal work of the circuit.

PCB plate layer segmentation method:

     The segmentation of the PCB board can be adjusted according to the requirements and signal characteristics of the circuit. Here are several commonly used plate layer segmentation methods:

     Digital/simulation separation: separate digital signals and analog signals on different plates, respectively, can effectively reduce the string disturbance between signals. Generally, the digital signal uses the inner plate layer, and the analog signal uses the outer plate.

   Separate ground plane: separate the ground plane into different areas to separate different signals and power sources. This can reduce interference and cross -coupling between signals and improve the stability of the system.

   Power separation: Separation the power cord from other signal cables can reduce the interference of other signal lines of the power cord and improve the stability of the system.

   Image control: In high -speed digital circuits, the layer segmentation can be used to control the impedance of the line. Generally, the adjacent plate layer needs to be used, and the position and thickness of the plate layer should be adjusted according to the need to achieve the required impedance matching and signal integrity.

    Signal path Optimization: In the segmentation of the plate layer, the signal path needs to be optimized to shorten the signal path as much as possible to reduce signal loss and delay.

    In summary, the segmentation of the PCB plate layer should be adjusted according to the requirements and signal characteristics of the circuit. Commonly used division methods include digital/simulation separation, separation of ground plane, power separation, impedance control and signal path optimization. In the segmentation of the plate layer, the interaction between different signals needs to be considered to achieve the optimized design of the circuit.

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