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Meizhou Ruiputuo Technology Co.,Ltd

We mainly provide PCB and PCB assembly services


PCB appearance inspection content

1. Packaging: colorless gas bag vacuum packaging, desiccant inside, close packaging

2. Silk printing: The characters and symbols of the PCB surface must be clear, obvious, and the color meets the regulations. There is no repeated printing, leakage printing, multiple printing, position bias, and wrong printing.

3. Plate -board surface: Check whether there are stains, debris, concave pits, and tin residues on the PCB surface; whether the plate surface is scratched to dew the bottom material; There are layers, etc.

4. Wire: Short -circuit, open circuit, cable dew, copper, copper foil float, and make up of the wires. Pads: The pads should be evenly tin, and copper, damage, falling off, deformation, etc. cannot be exposed. Gold fingers: luster, convex point/foam, stain, copper foil floating, surface plating, hair head, plating adhesion, etc.

5. Pole: In the inspection, compare the previous batch of good PCBs. Check whether there are leak drilling, multiple drilling holes, blocking holes, pores. Welded membrane: Wipe the laundry water during inspection, check its attachment, check whether it will fall off, whether there is bubbles, whether there is repair, etc. The color of the welding film must meet the regulations.

6. Tags: character, benchmark point, model version, fire prevention level/ul. Label, electrical test chapter, manufacturer brand brand, production date, etc.

7. Size measurement: Measure whether the actual size of the PCB is stipulated by the order.

Test of warranty or curved degree:

8. Weldable test: extraction of some PCB for actual welding, check whether it can easily welded parts

PREVIOUS:PCB engineer classification

NEXT:pcb layout points

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