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What is the difference between MT SMT processing and DIP plug-in processing

What are the differences between SMT surface mount processing and DIP plug-in processing for one-stop PCBA intelligent manufacturing manufacturers today? 

The difference between SMT surface mount processing and DIP plug-in processing. With the continuous development of electronic technology, surface mount

 technology (SMT) and dual in line (DIP) plug-in technology have become two common assembly processes in electronic product manufacturing. Although they 

are both methods used to connect electronic components, there are significant differences in process flow, applicable scenarios, and characteristics. The main

 differences between SMT surface mount processing and DIP plug-in processing will be introduced below.

The difference between MT surface mount processing and DIP plug-in processing

1. Process flow

SMT surface mount processing:

SMT surface mount processing is the process of directly soldering surface mount components (SMD) onto the surface of a PCB board, using soldering equipment to attach the components to the PCB board, and then soldering them using a hot air or reflow oven. This process eliminates the pins and holes of components, making the layout of PCB boards more compact and suitable for the manufacturing of high-density circuit boards.

DIP plugin processing:

DIP plugin processing is achieved by threading the pins of plugin components through holes on the PCB board and soldering them to the other side of the PCB board for connection. This process requires soldering work to be completed through methods such as wave soldering or manual soldering. Compared to SMT surface mount processing, the process flow is relatively complex and suitable for some special scenarios or situations where PCB board layout requirements are not high.

2. Applicable scenarios

SMT surface mount processing:

SMT surface mount processing is suitable for electronic product manufacturing that requires high-density layout, miniaturized design, and automated production. Due to its ability to achieve highly automated production, SMT technology has significant advantages in large-scale production.

DIP plugin processing:

DIP plugin processing is suitable for electronic products with low layout requirements, small quantities, or large component sizes. In addition, some special components such as high-power resistors and capacitors are not suitable for SMT surface mount processing due to their large size, so DIP plug-in processing is more suitable.

3. Characteristics and advantages/disadvantages

The characteristics and advantages of SMT surface mount processing:

-The layout is more compact, allowing for high-density integration.

-High production efficiency, suitable for large-scale production.

-Suitable for small-scale design and manufacturing of lightweight products.

Characteristics and advantages of DIP plugin processing:

-High flexibility, suitable for sample production and small batch production.

-It is more convenient to process some special components and large-sized components.

-Traditional craftsmanship has a simple process flow and is easy to operate and maintain.

PREVIOUS:PCB board vacuum resin plug hole: small plug hole, big change

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